Ideas for teaching social studies and history
Find my ideas for teaching social studies and history to high school students in Denmark. Some posts are whole lesson plans, history and social studies exercises while others are more general teaching ideas and ways of organizing the work.
Practice reading graphs and tables
Because many student find it hard to understand graphs and tables we need to help them practice reading graphs and tables While we of course practice this throughout the year. When exams roll around, I tend to explicitly train with them. Here are a few ideas for how to do this.
About me as a teacher
I teach social studies and history at a high school level in Denmark. I teach mostly samfundsfag C & B and History as part of KS (cultural studies). I have been teaching for more than ten years.
I have a masters in history from Aarhus University and I minored in social studies. Read more about me and see my teaching resume.
I choose to write my teaching blog posts in English because I want to give back to the teaching community that inspires me.